Friday 30 April 2010

Main Article Page 2

Main Article page 1



Iva, if you are free Monday lunchtime could you please pose as a band member for my media magazine coursework. If you can, dress up very casually, baggy shirt, and perhaps a denim skirt. Can you also bring a change of clothes, perhaps your tartan trouser and a wintery coat. I will take care of make up and hair. Meet me by the cage in the field, Thomas , Bhavik, and Kai have already emailed me confirming they’ll be there, so you’re not alone!, Thank you miss model

- this was an actual message sent to Iva for the photoshoot.

I made sure that there was no other existing magazine with Dysfunctional as it’s main cover, through websites such as google and yahoo. :;_ylt=A1f4cfVoV9pJM7QA4dhLBQx.?ei=UTF-8&p=dysfunktional%20magazine&rd=r1&fr2=tab-web&fr=yfp-t-501


When looking back at my preliminary task and comparing it to my Actual magazine, I realise that I have progressed greatly and my technology skills have flourished.
For my preliminary task, I only used a simple background colour, differentiating to “DysFUNKtional” which has a variety of different shapes including a scroll images, different blocks of colours, (black/red)

I’ve managed to make DysFUNKtional reasonably expensive looking, compared to the preliminary task, which lacks diversity in fonts, text sizes, etc.
I’ve managed to include many suitable images for the magazine, the contents page for DysFUNKtional has other images of items that will be appearing in the magazine, where as the prelinimary task only had the picture of the editor.


I have learnt a great deal about technologies from the process of constructing this product.

With only using adobe Photoshop for only a small task once before,, I at first struggled with concepts such as using the lasso tools, dragging images, and working out layer properties. However, I gradually progressed and soon became very familiar of what the different tools where used for, and how to use them appropriately.

I was also aware that a variety of different technologies were to be used to produce my magazine. As well as using programs such as Adobe Photoshop, PowerPoint (for textual analysis etc.), excel (to control the deadlines), the internet was essential. For instance, to check if there was already an existing magazine called “DysFUNKtional”. Also, USBs became very handy, as you constantly needed to save work, in case the system was down, an event that did occur more than once. Furthermore, I learnt that it is necessary to save work in more than one folder/file to make sure I had backup.

Moreover, I found that it is important to use a high megapixel camera for good quality photos, as photos I disused for my Magazine photos were very much pixelated due to poor camera quality


An ideal media institution to distribute my media product would be IPC Publishing. IPC's diverse print and digital portfolio offers something for everyone. Their 80 magazines include , NME, Uncut. What's on TV, Pick Me Up, Now, Marie Claire, In Style.
Another media institution I would consider would be “Bauer Media”, their magazines include Emprire, Kerrang Mojo and Q, all of which appeal to similar audiences I plan to appeal to.
Ideally I would like to aim my magazine at audiences


A main image of the band “DysFUNKtional, a wintery picture, juxtaposes from main image on front cover, essential there is more than one picture of the main band all images of people are looking giving direct adress to the audiences.

Who are high spirits,?- Rhetorical questions are often used in music magazines.
Introductory paragraph on one page of the spread, “bigging up” the band “High Spirits” and a taster of what will be involved in the interview.

Again design of page, 3 consistent colours (bar the image)
A caption noting the members of the band going from left to right.

Page number on bottom left/right hand side of page.

A highlighted section, attracts audiences attention of something exciting the band has said, in this case “they’re forever playing tonsil tennis, it’s making me ill”
All pictures of High Spirits appear to bee like they’re happy to be there which audiences would be grateful for.

The challenges to conventions include the input of the the scroll shape, I’ve not witnessed it on any other magazines I’ve come across, as i wanted to give it a personal touch, also the addition of the stars. They were placed as it goes with the “High Spirits” band title


The contents page adheres to many of the usual conventions seen in indie/rock magazines with factors such as the following;

*The editorial note, complete with a picture of the ‘editor’ (My cousin Tanya).
Editorial note includes what the magazine consists of, as well as a humorous touch, using informal language, and gives a believe friendly feel, (CoughVOTEFORUScough)
There are images of what will be appearing in the magazine, all of whom were mentioned in the main cover.

*The articles mentioned on the front cover are mentioned as well as other articles- as indie magazine don’t tend to mention all the articles featuring in the magazine on the front cover.
There are page numbers next to the articles so audiences feel like they’ve got guidance.

*The contents page is similarly themed to the main cover, due to the same consistent colours (red white and black)


As well as conforming to many of the usual conventions seen in indie/rock magazines, “DysFUNKtional” does have it’s unique qualities, and things that differ from the norms.
Rare to see a multi-ethnic band on front covers of magazines, and High Spirits differs from this as I have used Bhavik of the Asian ethnicity and Kai, Japanese..

Additionally, the main band includes two boys and three girls yet indie bands seems to be mainly male orientated, however, it is becoming increasingly common to have girls and multiracial bands, made evident with bands like “the Noisettes” and Lightspeed Champion.

The band are cheery, and obviously enjoying themselves with they’re smiley cheery faces, and hanging of each other, also Kai and Bhavik were given props of horns, giving it a part feel, yet indie music magazines usually have a moody, almost troubled looking bands/artist on their front covers with only instrument they play as props.

Not many music magazines nowadays focus on the genre of funk, I would like to think this would add a reasonably individualistic touch to the magazine.

Sunday 4 April 2010

Saturday 3 April 2010
